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Scanned 3D Models

Scanned 3d models ready for download. 3d models are in most popular formats: objfbx, 3ds max, stl for 3d printing.
Tag scanned contains realistic low poly 3d models for architectural visualization, CG and gamedev.
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Scanned 3D Models

beagle 3d dog collection
Dancing 3d people - scanned 3d models - Renderbot
Weimaraner 3d dog sitting scanned 3d model - Renderbot
Woman shower 3d models collection x7 - Renderbot
Nude woman - personalized collection
3d artist draws a girl - scanned 3d models - Renderbot
A lively 3D render of a bustling urban park from the Casual 3D People Collection, featuring various characters and dogs in realistic poses.
Showing 12 to 24 of 989 entries