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Human 3D models

Human 3d models ready for download in most popular formats: obj, fbx, 3ds max, stl for 3d printing.
3d Human contains realistic scanned 3d models from 3d man and 3d woman subcategory.
Use sorting filter, top categories and similar tags to find more 3d people. You can download 3d models for free.

Crosslegged 3d scanned girl - scanned 3d models - Renderbot
Seven 3D human models from the Everyday Moments 3D Collection by Renderbot, engaging in typical daily activities.
3d woman with two children - scanned 3d models - Renderbot
Dad and daughter posing 3d models - scanned 3d model - Renderbot
Santa with children 3d models - scanned 3d model - Renderbot
Showing 24 to 36 of 76 entries