
Selling 3d models: Who can help you earn your money?

Aug 17, 2020
Selling 3d models: Who can help you earn your money?

Selling the fruits of your labor is a profitable direction for generating constant income. Especially in the 3d model development segment. Let’s say, you have great digital products to offer and want to start selling your 3d models. There are not many guides or a lot of experience. Before, your role of a 3d artist has been limited to the creation of 3d models within a set, shared project.

Whom selling 3d models?

Naturally, you are familiar with your target audience. But you prepare for selling your product. Therefore, this knowledge should be grouped and organized.

So, let’s create a basic profile of a potential buyer of 3d models. Who is your target audience persona? A young man, under the age of 40. An English speaker. On first-name terms with a PC.

Selling 3d models

Certainly, this information should spark a thought inside your head. Next, there are two paths of action before you. You sit down and independently improve the sketch of the target audience persona. Or you can delegate the task to an experienced marketer. This is an alternative option.

Where to begin selling 3d models?

In fact, every online sale strategy comes down to one action plan. Talk about your 3d model digital product wherever potential customers can discover your offer.

The main fields of promotion are: social networks, forums, specialized resources.

Through social networks, web resources, find several 3d communities. Become an active participant in the most promising of them. But immediately discard any ideas of spam or brazen sale offers. Try to participate in discussions. Leave expert comments and build a reputation as a reliable specialist/company.

Certainly, interested customers will study your account.

It is important to set your profile up for the presentation of a digital product in advance. Namely, describe main offers and post the appropriate renderings. This method works slowly but surely. It attracts a so-called warm audience.

Selling 3d models

A thematic blog series

So, there are two major options. Create your own blog. The first way includes writing and posting field-related, professional articles. And promoting your sale offers in-between. The method is expensive and requires a lot of time and effort.

But the second option is to submit your articles to specialized online platforms. At the same time offer bloggers a free opportunity to write posts at their own blog.

Selling 3d models

Of course, there are many more ways to promote a digital product using a thematic blog. But these two should suffice for a start.

Creating a database of potential clients

Let it include studios that use the 3d model for developing their products:

  • CG studios;
  • architectural visualization companies;
  • 3d printing studios.

So, how to use this database? Try to send out a commercial offer to the chosen companies. Above all, your offer must not be a blatant beg-to-buy. Instead it should be an honest and open proposition. And illustrate how your role in the company’s projects will benefit them. At the end of the commercial proposal invite a sought-for customer for a consultation or ask some additional questions.

Those who desire to buy a 3d figure model, after studying your commercial offer, will contact you themselves.

How to enter the field more easily? To learn more read, please, “Selling 3d models: Pitfalls and tips.”

Cover photo and illustrations by Maya Grishanowitch

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